Wednesday, 13 November 2013

Traverse you must all alone

যদি তোব় ডাক শুনে কেউ না আসে তবে একলা চলো ব়ে
Traverse you must
If that be , all alone.
With weary and aching heart,
Let the bleeding drops add it's glory on the canvass
Not look back , you are the lone soul in your journey.

Trod in the heart of righteousness,
Fearless and flaming,
In HER luminescent symphony.
'Cause , that is the path you are destined for.

Hear not the crudity of cries
That comes off ignorance
of shallow , murky depth you are leaving behind.
Let them desert you in the fiery storm
For, it is in you , not in their absurd timidity,
That you will find the eternal blaze of salvation.

Soulful heart, if that be,
Traverse all alone ,
To the threshold of the glorious morn.

Tuesday, 12 November 2013

pure in Heart and Action

It is one of the most difficult task
to be Pure in Heart and Action.
By very nature of our mortal existence
we tend to resort to self deception by way of
actions which are essentially impure.

Those who can undertake this assignment
are Brave in Heart which does not know any boundary.
They are driven by knowledge of the Ultimate
by Wisdom of  Equivalence and devote themselves for the
superior cause.

Sunday, 3 November 2013

Festival of Light - Spare a Moment for the Needy

Let this Festival of Light bring
Peace & Prosperity all over the World
Let's spare a moment for the needy.
Bring joy and smile in their lives.

 ॐ  शान्ति
 ওং  শান্তি 
ॐ  शान्ति 
ઊમ શાન્તિ 
 ಒಂ ಶಂತಿ
 ഒമ  ഷാന്റി
 ओम शांति
 ਓਮ  ਸ਼ਾਂਤਿ 
ஒம்  சண்டி
وم شنط 

Saturday, 2 November 2013

Tamaso Ma Jyotirgamay

তামোসোমা  জ্যোতির্গময়। Lead us from the Darkness to the Light ,
অসতোমা  সদ্গময়। Lead us from Unreality to the Reality ,
মৃত্যর্মামৃতং  গময়। Lead us from death to immortality,